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Our Filter Recycling Scheme

For a better environment

How to recycle your Buder water filters and save money of your next purchase...

Foggy Forest
Sea Turtle
Sea Turtle

Step 1: Collect your used Buder water filters to be recycled and leave them upside down to drain the water out of them.

Step 2: Once drained of water, pack your used Buder water filters in a box ready for shipping.

Step 3: Write your previous order number on the box and fill in the form below where you will receive an email with the shipping address to send your filters to. 

Step 4: Use the most economic postal service for the size and weight of the box to ship your used Buder filters.


Step 5: If you haven't done so already, set up an account and you will be able to redeem your loyalty points on future purchases. Your loyalty points will be added to your account once we have received the filters.

Each used Buder filter returned to us is worth 150 pure water droplets (loyalty points)

100 pure water droplets = £1.00

See Filter Recycling Terms & Conditions

Filter Recycling Notification

Thanks for recycling!

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